Council Insights Blog

Tailored specifically for Australian councils, we share relevant insights and expert tips on enhancing community engagement, driving efficiency, and leading with innovation.
It’s time for leadership to evolve

It’s time for leadership to evolve

If there is one universal truth about leadership, it’s that there is no single way of doing it right. To be authentic, leaders must be themselves and, as we know, everyone is different. However, in...

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Why self-awareness matters

Why self-awareness matters

Self-awareness. As I write this, I think I can hear collective sighs. That old chestnut, I hear the detractors say. What about it? And there in lies the problem. It’s one nut leaders across our most...

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Why employee experience is fundamental to recruitment success

Why employee experience is fundamental to recruitment success

Despite the recent uplift in Australia’s unemployment rate, the country’s labour market remains tight with record-level job vacancy numbers keeping workers very much in the driver’s seat. Employers...

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