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Next Step in Your Māori Cultural Competency Journey

Conrad Waitoa

By Conrad Waitoa on Nov 01, 2022.

Next Step in Your Māori Cultural Competency Journey

If Mahuru Māori (Māori language month) has your team fired up to venture further on the journey to Māori cultural competency, and you’re not sure how to take a meaningful next step, then help could be at hand.

Many organisations across Aotearoa New Zealand are interested in developing Māori cultural capability plans and staff’s confidence in Māori cultural skills. Often, the first questions are where and how to start? How to make it easy? How to make it accessible?

We know from talking to our customers that there is a lot of interest, and equally a lot of fear, stemming from a lack of knowledge. For many this is unfamiliar territory, and the stakes are high. No-one wants to get it wrong, or be whakamā (embarrassed), and in some cases this is causing paralysis, with organisations feeling that it is safer to do nothing.

We know from talking to our customers that there is a lot of interest, and equally a lot of fear, stemming from a lack of knowledge.

AskYourTeam is pleased to introduce the Inspire In Education E-Learning platform, developed by Conrad Waitoa, AskYourTeam’s Pou Tikanga and other highly qualified experts. The introductory programme offers interactive cultural competency learning, which covers the barriers of lack of time and access to learning, and explains “why Māori”. It’s designed to follow the Te Arawhiti (The Office for Māori Crown Relations) six core competency areas.

With four bite sized modules, covering Te Ao Māori: the Māori world view, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Te Reo Māori, and Rituals of Engagement in a Pōwhiri | Pohiri including tikanga, learning is easy, convenient, and cemented with Q&A and a quiz for each module.

The platform is an easy and accessible way to awaken Māori cultural competency and support further learning. To find out more contact: Conrad Waitoa at