Unlocking the art of doing more with less: A guide for Councils


By AskYourTeam on Sep 30, 2024.

Unlocking the art of doing more with less: A guide for Councils

Anyone working in local government will be familiar with this conundrum: service delivery expectations from the community and legislative and reporting requirements are both on the rise. But funding and the number of hands on deck required to actually deliver these obligations is not.

Seems like an impossible situation right?

Not necessarily. Our council data suggests there are ways to deliver on this tough task – and finding the solutions may be simpler than you think!

Your people know where the opportunities are

Edition 3_ Your people know where the opps are - infographic

The good news is that the richest source of insight to help you tackle this challenge is right in front of you – your people. Collectively they hold a wealth of lived experience that can tell you what’s working well, and where the bottle necks and inefficiencies lie.

The data above highlights employee’s perceptions that there are opportunities to improve resource and budget allocation. So don’t guess. Ask them!

Are there 'quick fixes' to boost efficiency in your council?

Edition 3 Are there quick fixes to boost... - infographic


‘Information Silos’ have long been an issue plaguing councils - forcing individuals to spend time ‘piecing together’ what they need to know. Here’s a stat from International Data Corporation that really brings this to life :


A whopping 74% of employees spend up to 1 hour a day searching for information they need to do their job.


What would that equate to in hours and dollars in your council?

How much more could you deliver for your community if you were to optimise your processes and ensure your people had what they needed to do their job effectively?

Rooting out and addressing kinks in your processes, information flows and the support required doesn’t have to be a heavy lift. But the upside in efficiency gains and community outcomes could be significant.

The power of data-led decisions

Here’s the bottom line : employees are your greatest asset when it comes to understanding where Council can operate more effectively. By giving them a voice, you’ll not only uncover areas where resources can be better allocated, but you’ll also discover cost-saving opportunities and ways to better support your staff to create thriving communities.

In a world where councils are being asked to deliver more with less, the smartest leaders will leverage the power of data-driven insights.

So when you’re faced with tough decisions about where to focus your resources to deliver the biggest difference for your communities, your people have the answers your need.

All you have to do is Ask, Listen, Act and Measure.

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