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Thrive35 and AskYourTeam: Accelerating Council Improvement


By AskYourTeam on Feb 14, 2024.

Thrive35 and AskYourTeam: Accelerating Council Improvement

Sydney, 12 October 2023 – Achieving and measuring workplace excellence became just that little bit easier, thanks to a new collaboration between Thrive35 and AskYourTeam.

Thrive35 is partnering with AskYourTeam, a New Zealand founded technology business with a focus on driving continual improvement in Australian Local Government organisations.

Ravi Fernando, Founder and Director of Thrive35 says the partnership with AskYourTeam enhances the way Thrive35’s Excellence Manager product helps councils to measure excellence maturity and drive continuous organisational performance. This allows councils to identify and prioritise the actions that will make the biggest difference for their staff and the communities they serve.  

“Bringing an easy-to-use, intuitive platform to the forefront means we can use the power of data to make more informed decisions, working smarter, not harder with AskYourTeam onboard. Our partnership with AskYourTeam allows us digitise Business Excellence for our clients”.

“Together, our unique offering accelerates continuous improvement in councils and enables measurable progress. Councils know where their priorities are so they can zero in on what’s going to make the biggest difference,” says Ravi.

The new partnership brings AskYourTeam’s state-of-the-art technology platform together with Thrive35’s Excellence Manager – widely used across the private and public sectors, including local government, to achieve excellence using the proven Australian Business Excellence Framework. 

Jared Ingle, AskYourTeam Head of Sales Australia, says AskYourTeam has worked with New Zealand local government organisations for more than a decade, and has a growing track record in Australia. 

“We help councils to tap into their richest source of insights – their people – getting to the heart of what matters most to create thriving communities. Our platform digitises the process making it easier to create a cycle of continuous improvement.  

“The combination of Thrive35’s experience and expertise in assessing excellence maturity with AskYourTeam’s ability to capture every voice, results in a unique solution for understanding and measuring the impact on organisational improvement efforts.  

“This partnership has enormous potential, and we are excited to be working with Thrive35 and to see the impact AskYourTeam will have in cultivating excellence in councils,” says Jared.

Excellence Manager is recommended by Local Government New South Wales (LGNSW) as a mechanism for maximising performance of councils.