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Organisational trust – does it matter and should leaders care?


By AskYourTeam on Jan 03, 2022.

Organisational trust – does it matter and should leaders care?

Today as we celebrate International Women’s Day, it could be easy to question the need for a day to promote diversity, inclusion and breaking biases.

After all, its 2022 and some significant inroads have been made into tearing down the barriers women have faced in turning up to work to be treated the same as their male counterparts. But while that is very true, sadly, some countries, sectors, industries and workplaces still have some way to go.

In my work as the Director of Global Consulting for AskYourTeam, I have worked with some really proactive employers wanting to address some very real issues affecting women in the workforce. They have opted to engage our services to give their entire organisation a ‘voice’ in a safe and anonymised way to get to the core of any issues and address them quickly to put everyone on a level playing field.

It is a trajectory we are expecting to increase as more and more we find the world "expecting" diversity, equity and inclusion. The world notices its absence and celebrates its presence, and we are helping organisations get to the core of exactly that to set them up for the future


Helping organisations know their truth when they are dealing with sensitive issues like discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment is imperative. They are all sensitive issues and handled badly they can create headlines that can bring an organisation to its knees, eroding hard built reputations overnight.