Excellence Manager

Take control of your journey to Excellence 

Excellence Manager by Thrive35 and AskYourTeam
A framework to success

There will always be more ideas than there are resources at Council, and it can sometimes feel like you're flying blind making priority calls.

Delivered in partnership with Thrive35, Excellence Manager helps you get a handle on Council’s current state and prioritise the most impactful initiatives with the reassurance that comes from using an internationally recognised business model for organisational excellence (the Australian Business Excellence Framework) and a proven data led approach.

Let's talk
Group 886 (2)

Eliminate bias

Replace guesswork with insights, remove subjectivity from the equation and get the full picture by giving all your people a voice.

Group 886 (3)

Prioritise with precision

Apply a score-based methodology of the proven Australian Business Excellence Framework (ABEF), for a holistic view to systematically prioritise the actions that will make the biggest difference to your council and your community.

Ex Mger Qwlir graph (3) (1)

ABEF aligned reporting

The AskYourTeam platform enables you to quickly see :

  • High level view : your Excellence maturity score
  • Granular view : insights for each of the 7 ABEF categories and even the 16 Business Excellence items.

This makes it super simple to understand key improvement areas to prioritise based on the ABEF.