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Measuring confidence in Māori cultural competency

Created in collaboration with Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission), Te Puni Kōkiri (Ministry of Māori Development), Tatauranga Aotearoa (Statistics New Zealand), Te Hiringa Hauora (Health Promotion Agency), and Maurea Consulting, Te ara ki tua has been designed to assist organisations in measuring staff confidence in Māori culture skills.

This co-created survey is appropriate for all organisations, both public and private, implementing their own Māori cultural capability strategy.

Measuring more
than te reo Māori

Building capability to better support the Māori Crown relationship has been identified by Māori, the government and the public services as a critical area of development for the public sector.

Designed to follow Te Arawhiti’s six core competency areas framework, Te ara ki tua measures the success of an organisation’s Māori cultural capability strategy across tikanga, treaty understanding, racial equity and more.

AskYourTeam want to support the great outcomes these strategies will bring. Te ara ki tua provides a standardised measurement tool for organisations to understand their own journey over time.

Maihi karauna: the Crown’s strategy for Māori language revitalisation


Te ara ki tua has been developed to support the three audacious goals to be achieved by 2040:
> 85% of New Zealanders (or more) will value te reo Māori as a key part of national identity.

> One million New Zealanders (or more) will have the ability and confidence to talk about at least basic things in te reo Māori.

> 150,000 Māori aged 15 and over will use te reo Māori as much as English
Te Puni Kōkiri has led the development of a monitoring and evaluation framework for the Maihi Karauna, in collaboration with Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori.

Te ara ki tua is part of the shared data plan within that framework, represented as a ridge beam (tahuhu) across the individual monitoring and evaluation projects

Making the most
of Te ara ki tua:
Maurea Consulting

AskYourTeam is proud to partner with Maurea Consulting to help organisations make the most of Te ara ki tua. Maurea Consulting has built a reputation for transforming the way that organisations perceive and include Māori, helping them to unlock the power that Māori culture can bring to their operations.

Maurea founder Precious Clark (Ngāti Whātua, Te Uri o Hau, Waikato, Ngāti He and Pākeha) believes that Māori culture holds solutions to many of the difficult challenges facing the world today; and is on a mission to see Māori culture driving New Zealand forward.

Maurea Consulting also delivers a broad range of complementary services including delivering the acclaimed ‘Te Kaa – Igniting your Māori Cultural competency’ training to board members, senior leaders and staff in decision-making roles within your organisation.
